Clients Include



Northeastern University

West Palm Beach Municipal Government

McCarron International Airport, Las Vegas

Affordable Dental

California League of Cities and Towns

Western Fairs Association

United States Postal Service

New York State Food Directors Association

Morgan Stanley Financial Corp.

Harvey Resorts and Casinos

Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority

Maine Association of Community Banks

Ford Credit Union

Missouri Association of Insurance Companies

University of Nevada

University of North Carolina

The Real Estate Educators Association

Sysco Systems


United States Coast Guard

Canadian Association of Telemessaging

International Affairs and Expo Association

International City Managers Association

University of Pittsburgh

What Clients Are Saying


“People were buzzing about your presentation for the rest of the day and I even heard a few exhibitors say they were sorry they hadn’t come down to see it because everyone who visited their booth was talking about it.”


“Humorous, dynamic and insightful.”


“Your keynote address set the perfect tone for the conference. We learned and laughed: two essential elements for a healthy life and a successful conference.”


“Very useful and practical information. One of the best I’ve ever attended.”

“Quite possibly the most helpful presentation I have ever attended.”


“Mr. Agati was a delight to listen to and relate to. The anecdotes, points made, etc. were relevant. Excellent keynote and reaffirmed why I teach.”


“I’d pay money to watch this guy give a weather report.

Fascinating concepts; terrific delivery.”


“Each time I hear your presentation I walk away with something new. You have such a gift, thank you for sharing it with us.”